When writing a React Native app using React Navigation

5 min readDec 16, 2020


Considering the sheer number of people who lost their lives to the Spanish Flu, it’s amazing that it had almost seeped out of the public consciousness until we faced a similar reality ourselves.
As the pandemic started to spread across the world in the early parts of the year, I sought out a book detailing a similar virus that stalked the planet one hundred years ago, the Spanish Flu.
I grabbed a Twitter handle and tweeted my intention. The next day, I had a DM from a designer in Buenos Aires named Rebecca Brooker who would become my cofounder. She had been developing a similar idea, so we decided to make this thing together. It was almost a year before we met in person.
The book delves into various personal stories and describes how the virus made its way around the world after the end of the First World War. Even in an age where mass travel wasn’t commonplace, the virus managed to find its way to all corners of the globe.
Luckily, the StatusBar module from React Native also exports imperative means of setting this config. So what if we could write a hook that makes these imperative calls when a screen focuses, so that we always have the right config? This is a hook I wrote for a project that does just so:ML kit is a part of Firebase that allows mobile app developers to quickly import Google’s machine learning expertise from the firebase console. No matter whether you are a beginner or a skilled Flutter app developer, you can quickly implement the ML functionality to Android and iOS applications by adding the few lines of code. While there is no need of having in-depth knowledge of neural networks or model optimization to get started with ML functionality, if you are an experienced ML developer, then it is worth leveraging the APIs in the mobile app.While using this method of integrating ML and AL to Flutter App, make sure your app is using Firebase or either you have a custom model that will be hosted on another server setup. Also, this method is suitable for models which expect regular updates but not so frequent.
Three Linux shells (ZSH, Bash, fish) within the Gnome Terminal. I’ve heavily customized the ZSH shell; Bash and fish show the default. You can see that fish has an in-line autosuggestion feature that the two other shells lack. Image by Martin Thoma.
The shell stores the history of entered commands, defines how you set environment variables, how you switch the current directory. Examples for shells on Linux are ZSH, Bash, fish. On Windows, the typical shells are PowerShell. You can see which shell you are running by executing echo $0 . On Linux, it’s most likely Bash.
Now if the user changes their color preference in your app’s settings, or, for example, the sun sets and your phone’s color scheme changes, this StatusBar will be aware of it and match the rest of the app. Here obviously we’re not taking into account the other methods in the StatusBar API, which would be a welcome enhancement.
Now we can set the config on each screen with just a call to useStatusBar and it’ll always be correct when the screen becomes focused. This hook-based alternative helps keep your markup clear of rendering StatusBar in every screen.
I’d been trying to connect with other queer people in design, to learn more about queer design history, and not getting very far. And so I had a Field of Dreams moment. I decided I was going to build something out in the world and bring the queer people to me.
Pale Rider is a fascinating look at life in the midst of a pandemic that killed somewhere between 50 to 100 million over three years from 1918 to 1921. Looking back today with three vaccines on the verge of being approved, it’s incredible to think how different things were back then and how far we’ve come.
we often run into a particular problem. In short, the device’s status bar is controlled by rendering a StatusBar component. But if we have an app with multiple screens, where more than one screen is rendered at once, rather than being lazy-loaded, this approach may fail. This is because rendering this StatusBar updates the config under the hood, but only reflects the state when it was last rendered. What this means is if your app has screens A and B, even if you have A visible, if B rendered after A, the status bar will have the config from screen B, which is wrong for screen A.
It is one of the other popular methods of incorporating machine learning in apps, mostly when you are working with servers and web interfaces and expecting your model to update very frequently.
While using this method, developers wrap the model in API services and host it using web-based servers. Major developers reply on these popular platforms including AWS Lambda, Google App Engine, Heroku or Virtual Machine as it supports running the model and serving as a web-based service.




I live my life always being classy, never trashy, and I am little sassy as well